Our vision Making Uncommon Growth, Common |
We exist to change the way small businesses approach growth so that they can create a great impact on themselves, their team, and their customer’s lives.

Where it all began
I started Jolly Sherpa shortly after leaving my role as product marketer for Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership. I was inspired at the impact Dave’s organization had on its customers, community, and team.
Many years ago, Dave put together a process for helping people get out of debt. The beauty of that process is that it worked for everyone that followed it. It worked because it was rooted in foundational success and behavior principles. That always stood out to me as something truly amazing and caused me to ask a simple question: “What’s the universal path for business growth?”
Over the last 3 years that question plagued me. Slowly but surely, the pieces started to come together to form what is now the Everest Method for Achieving Uncommon Growth.
Today we work with businesses across the United States in a variety of industries to transform the way that people think and achieve growth in their businesses. For me, Everest is not about marketing. It’s about impacting the lives of business owners, their families, their teams, and their customers.

What Drives Us
Divine Purpose
We believe that God is in control and it’s our job to steward the gifts, blessings, skills, abilities, and resources that He has given to us to impact people for His glory.
People First
We believe that people are inherently valuable and possess nearly infinite potential. We honor, support, and raise up people through honest communication, transparency, and education seeking what’s best for each individual.
We see our clients as partners and we take those partnerships very seriously. We take it so seriously that we only work with businesses where we can create a win-win partnership and produce massive long term success. When we do right by everyone, everyone benefits.
Outcomes > Speed
We do not do things halfway because we’re ruthlessly committed to results. We are faithful in the little things, and we take ownership and responsibility over everything we touch. We will strive for excellence in all that we do and will challenge ourselves to be better today than we were yesterday, even in seemingly small matters.
We innovate and transform how we and others approach marketing, business, and growth. We lead by example and don’t accept the status quo, even if it’s good. We continuously push the boundaries of success and set the rules of the game.
We always want our clients to always feel like they are in control of their businesses and their lives. The greatest freedom comes from having choices without the presence of fear or judgement. People should feel empowered to have choices in life and business.